Saturday, February 2, 2019
Saturday, January 26, 2019
Bar Leaders Work for a More Representative and Accountable Judiciary.

Daily Report
November 9, 2016
As leaders of the state's largest
African-American lawyers' groups, Holland & Knight partner Charles Johnson
III and AT&T in-house counsel Suzanne Ockleberry have been working for
decades to increase diversity in judicial elections and appointments. But a few
years ago, they began to see crucial gains being lost. African-American judges
in Atlanta and other cities were retiring and being replaced with whites. Some
cities had never had an African-American judge.
They started Advocacy for Action in 2013. This
year, they've begun to reverse the trend with elections and appointments of
diverse judges in different courts around the state.
Johnson, former president of the Gate City Bar
Association, and Ockleberry, former president of the Georgia Association of
Black Women Attorneys, brought luminaries from both groups together to take
action. Their first step was to talk.
They put their concerns and their case into a
letter—four pages single spaced—which the Daily Report published in 2012. They
gave it the headline: "Will the last African-American judge please turn
out the lights?"
They called it a crisis that fed on silence and
apathy. "The idea that the judiciary should reflect the best and brightest
legal minds, regardless of race, will be a quaint bygone idea," they
wrote. They quoted Frederick Douglass: "Power concedes nothing without a
They issued a call to action. "The question
we must ask is what can we do, personally and as a community. The answer is we
must speak."
And speak they did—to community groups,
continuing legal education events, panel discussions and on social media. They
made their research and statistics available on their own website. They began a
targeted campaign to make people aware of the importance of electing
representative judges. They recorded videos and posted them on YouTube. They
encouraged sitting judges to stay in office long enough to open their seats in
an election, rather than allowing a governor to appoint a replacement. In some
instances, they targeted incumbents with opposition for re-election. They
helped fund campaigns through a political action committee and a private
corporation that could accept anonymous donations. They learned that plenty of
lawyers would gladly give up the tax deduction in exchange for not having to
publicly oppose a sitting judge. They recruited qualified minority lawyers to
seek judicial office either through election or appointment. And they
communicated with decision-makers to ensure that qualified diverse candidates
were included in consideration for appointments.
The process has not been easy. Last year, lawyers
involved with the group sued Gov. Nathan Deal to block his naming of three
white judges to fill three new positions on the Georgia Court of Appeals. They
lost. But they made their point nonetheless. This year, the governor named an
African-American judge to that court.
Last year, the group successfully lobbied the
Cobb County Superior Court for the appointment of an African-American woman as
chief magistrate judge. They backed an African-American woman appointed by the
governor to fill an open seat in Macon. And in this year's elections, Fulton
County Superior Court gained its first new African-American judges in many
They measure their success in tiny increments.
"Every once in a while, I think we are
heard," said Johnson. "There is some heightened awareness of the
importance of voting, and of becoming informed about candidates. There is less
of a tendency to ignore these races. We've had something to do with that."
This work is not part of their day jobs,
Ockleberry noted. "We do this because we believe in our heart of hearts in
the mission of this organization," she said. "A more representative
and accountable judiciary is what we're seeking."
Thursday, January 17, 2019
Georgia Can Honor Dr. King's Legacy with a Simple Change to its Tax Code
By Charles S. Johnson
Originally Published March 31, 2018

The rapid economic expansion which the United States experienced in the 1960s was not shared by all Americans. Throughout that decade, despite the gains brought about by the Civil Rights Movement, the rate of poverty among African-Americans remained at three times the rate experienced by white Americans.
By 1967, Dr. King had concluded that the Movement’s focus should expand from an emphasis on civil rights to a broader emphasis on human rights: that African Americans and other disinherited citizens would never achieve full citizenship until they attained economic security and, accordingly, that something must be done to focus the nation’s attention on the problems of poverty and economic inequality.
Toward the end of 1967, Dr. King announced his intention to lead a Poor People’s Campaign the following year. His plan was for thousands of poor people of all races and backgrounds to descend on the nation’s capital, to demand that government officials address the needs of the nation’s poor.
King spent the early months of 1968 traveling around the country, generating
support for the Poor People’s Campaign. To illustrate the plight of the working
poor, he embraced the struggle of the sanitation workers in the City of Memphis
who were currently striking to demand better pay and working conditions.
The central demands of the Poor People’s Campaign were summarized in an “Economic Bill of Rights,” notably including the right to a meaningful job with a livable wage. In this most prosperous nation on earth, participants in the Poor People’s Campaign called on the nation to embrace a guaranteed annual income.
In the weeks following Dr. King’s death, a Committee of 100 began meeting with members of Congress and leaders of executive agencies to lobby for the Campaign’s demands. By May, thousands of the nation’s poor had begun to assemble in an encampment on the National Mall referred to as Resurrection City, and they began a series of demonstrations in support of the Economic Bill of Rights.
By the end of June, the inhabitants of Resurrection City had been evicted. Many of them continued to lobby for changes in federal policy, with modest results. Others went on to demonstrate at the Democratic and Republican conventions later that summer.
But the idea of supplementing the income of the nation’s poor, so prominently featured in the Economic Bill of Rights, did not die with the evacuation of Resurrection City. In one form or another, the idea continued to be discussed among policymakers at the highest level.
The year 1968 culminated with the election of President Richard Nixon and a renewed emphasis on economic approaches that were seen as conservative. While many conservative leaders recoiled at the idea of subsidizing the idle poor, many of them began to embrace the idea of finding a way to assist the working poor. A major concern arose as to the best way to encourage poor people to enter and remain in the workforce and thus reduce the number of families needing what was then referred to as Aid to Families with Dependent Children (“AFDC”). Some policymakers began to entertain the idea of a negative income tax, under which people with low incomes would receive money back from the government instead of paying taxes to the government.
Conservative economist Milton Friedman had proposed a negative income tax as a replacement for traditional welfare: giving to poor people cash which they could use as they saw fit, rather than giving them an array of welfare benefits. Friedman believed that such an approach would introduce a new level of simplicity, since it would be administered centrally by the IRS instead of many different organizations. Friedman’s approach included the introduction of new lower but graduated tax rates, such that taxpayers would lose benefits as their income rose, but they would always come out ahead with a higher earned income.
In 1971 President Nixon proposed a “Family Assistance Plan” welfare reform program including a negative income tax, guaranteeing money to families with children, with assistance payments declining as a function of earnings. Although Congress declined to adopt this measure, policymakers continued to experiment with a variety of tax-driven approaches to income maintenance. Senator Russell Long proposed a “work bonus” plan to supplement the wages of poor workers.

The Tax Reduction Act of 1975 introduced a “work bonus” plan but renamed it the Earned Income Tax Credit (“EITC), a temporary refundable tax credit for lower-income workers to offset the Social Security payroll tax and rising food costs. The EITC was made permanent in the Revenue Act of 1978.
The EITC is now seen by many as both an anti-poverty program and an alternative to welfare, because it incentivizes work. President Reagan described it as “the best anti-poverty, the best pro-family, the best job creation measure to come out of Congress.”
Recognizing that state and local taxes continue to disproportionately burden individuals with low and moderate income, twenty-nine states and the District of Columbia have adopted some form of EITC, generally by matching the federal credit. These state credits provide a modest yet critical boost for taxpayers who already receive the federal EITC. State EITCs are typically claimed as a percentage of the federal credit’s value, ranging from a low of 3 percent in Montana to a high of 40 percent in Washington, D.C. Hawaii, Montana and South Carolina each enacted new EITCs in 2017.
The concept of an EITC has much in common with the proposals advanced by Dr. King in the last year of his life. In fact, the EITC improves on Dr. King’s proposal of a guaranteed annual income by directly encouraging workforce participation. Georgia, the home of Martin Luther King, is among the states that do not provide a state match to the federal EITC. By enacting its own EITC, Georgia can provide much-needed support for working families while honoring the legacy of one its prominent native sons.
Tuesday, January 15, 2019
Sunday, January 6, 2019
Charles S. Johnson: Profile
S. Johnson,
a seasoned trial lawyer, currently practices in the areas of health law, higher education law, dispute resolution, and public policy.
Following his graduation from Boston College Law School, where he was a member of the Law Review and a recipient of the Law
School’s O’Keefe Award, Mr. Johnson
began his legal career as an antitrust lawyer.
His antitrust practice has included service as principal Georgia
antitrust counsel for a major automobile manufacturer and as coordinating
antitrust counsel for a national insurance rating organization. He also served as Adjunct Professor of
Antitrust Law at the University of Georgia.
His litigation practice eventually expanded to include health policy
litigation, education policy litigation, tax litigation, employment litigation,
securities litigation, civil RICO and qui
tam litigation, eminent domain litigation, zoning litigation, and
litigation of commercial disputes. He currently serves as a member of the Commercial Dispute Resolution Panel for the American Arbitration Association.
Mr. Johnson’s public policy
practice has included counseling, regulatory and legislative advocacy, and
litigation. He participated in the
creation of Zoo Atlanta, the Countywide Library System for Fulton County, and
Georgia’s first tax allocation districts.
He advised Morehouse College in securing the Martin Luther King, Jr.
Collection. He has litigated questions
related to the regulatory authority of Georgia’s Commissioner of Insurance and
the Georgia Department of Community Health, the taxing power of local school
districts, and the enforcement of the Clean Air Act. His litigated cases have made it possible to
vigorously enforce the federal Fair Housing Act, and they have also made it
possible for the courts to consider quality of education when fashioning a
remedy for school segregation.
Johnson is Chair of the Board of the Georgia Budget & Policy Institute, President of the Southern Regional Council, Co-Convenor of Advocacy for Action, Immediate Past Chairman of the Board of the Sickle Cell Foundation of
Georgia, Co-Convenor of Advocacy
for Action, and a member
of the Board of Trustees of Bard College (his Alma Mater). He previously chaired the Board of
Trustees of Leadership Atlanta, the ABA Committee on Insurance Regulation, the
Atlanta Judicial Commission, the Atlanta Urban League, the Atlanta Exchange and
the Atlanta Region Open Housing Coalition.
He also served as President of the Atlanta Legal Aid Society and the
Gate City Bar Association. He formerly
served as Vice President of the National Bar Association and as a member of the
Board of the Atlanta Bar Association, the Theatrical Outfit, the Atlanta Branch
NAACP, the Atlanta Council of Younger Lawyers, the Atlanta Business League, the
Metropolitan Atlanta Red Cross, the Alliance Theater/Alliance Children's
Theater, Jomandi Productions, the Southern Christian Home for Children, Techwood
Park, Inc., and the Young Democrats of Georgia.
Johnson has been named as one of Ten Outstanding Young People in Atlanta and one of the Best Lawyers in America. Atlanta
Magazine has recognized him as one of Atlanta's “Powers to Be” and one of Georgia’s
Super Lawyers, and the King Center has recognized him with its Martin Luther
King, Jr. Peace and Justice Award. He
has been inducted into the National Bar Association Hall of Fame and the Gate
City Bar Association Hall of Fame. He is a recipient of the Randolph Thrower
Lifetime Achievement from the State Bar of Georgia Committee to Promote
Inclusion in the Profession, and the Zenith Award for Political Action from the
Georgia Association of Black Women Attorneys.
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